Yesterday, we had our year end celebration in my company. It was a great piece of management by our HR, Drishti who was my secret Santa also. She gifted me a card reader. There were children from Mythri who were our special guest tonight. I was sitting and talking to my manager at the garden. I saw them and could not control a smile at the smallest girl with yellow TShirt and blue pant. She was holding a big balloon twice as big as her face. I could not see her face properly. I moved my head left and right but still the balloon was working at its best to hide her face. I suddenly stood and went towards her, moved the balloon and saw her face. She got scared and called for Mythiri, the executive of the organization Mythiri. She came towards me and did apologize me for the kid’s act. I was like “no no it’s ok”, before she told me that the girl is blind but recognizes voice and touch more than us. I moved back and left the garden place just to remember someone who had the same sense of recognition: Chotu, the younger brother of one of my childhood friend Sonu.
Me and Sonu were close friends from Kindergarden. We had our common “Aaya” who used to fetch us from home to school to home. Our houses were close enough. We used to play at each other home almost every day after school. Aaya used to forward the message that Sonu has come to my place after school. Our Mothers became good friends because of us. Sonu’s Father was a Doctor and my mother was his most regular patient. Sonu was little plumpy and I used to tease her “Moti Moti” whenever we had fight.
Time took me for a wonderful journey and I was enjoying my childhood at my best. I was totally unaware about other things in my life. Somewhere around class five or six, Sonu told me that she got a small brother. I wanted to see the baby so I rushed with Sonu and Aaya to my home so that I can tell her that I am going to play with the baby. Aaya came and directly went to the room where my Mother was sitting. She secretly told that the baby is born mentally handicapped and very little eye sight. My Mom felt sorry for that and asked me not to go right now because the baby is new and he needs rest. I didn’t argue.
I think I came to know about the baby’s state from my mother in two three days. I started telling my Mother that his father is a “big” doctor and if he can make other patients well including you, he will surely make his own son well. After 3 weeks I went with my Mother to see the baby. Sonu was playing with him and even I joined. The baby was able to see us, that’s what I noticed but the way he responded was bit different. I had enough experience playing with my cousin brothers and sisters that I could easily notice the difference. Aunty was telling that they are going to meet some “bigger” Doctor, who will make the baby well. Four months went like this only but “little” improvement.
Away from all this, Me, Sonu and My younger brother were having wonderful time playing with the baby; “Chotu”. The best thing was that he used to recognize us and smile back. We used to play all sorts of baby sitting game where Chotu was the alone victim of getting carried by one or the other little guardian. We had our full day after school at her home only. Aunty had to take care of two children now: I & Sonu and we were taking care of Chotu. I used to finish my homework there only so my mother was also free from my studies tension.
We were in class 7th I believe, when the land lord asked us to vacate the house. We had to look for other place. I wanted to stay nearby only so that I can continue my Guardianship. But my father found a bigger and cheaper house and that also very close to my school, so we had to shift. That was the oldest feeling of departure I remember. Me and Sonu creid like anything. I took the little Chotu in my arms and kissed him on his forehead convincing him that I will surely come to meet him. I always feel the warmth of kiss on forehead as the best expression that I am not going to leave you and that you mean a lot for me and that to expect him to call me when ever he need me. That was my first meet with departure.
Everyday, Sonu used to talk about Chotu that he is not responding like a very normal baby and he spills whatever is given to him to eat and he pisses here and there and that his face will always be full of water from his mouth. I could feel the not so happy feeling on her face. I no longer needed an Aaya because my home was very close to my school, so the main postmaster was retired from the mailing job. Whenever My Mother complained of any health issue, I used to ask her to go Doctor Uncle’s home so that I can play with the baby. Then slowly we got our own sets of friends. I had my own gang for hide and seek and Police police. She got busy in her girls gang. The feeling of being normal and being not-so-good friend got properly sinked in both of us. The most important reason for our conversation was Chotu now. It was such an attachment which I can realize now only. Chotu was not able to see properly now but he could recognize my voice instantaneously and used to roll his arms in air so that I can pick him up. The happiness he showed was just heart touching and soothing. After that the saliva on his face, his pissing on my shirt all looked very very small for me. Sonu was not happy with his brother. My Father built our own house, and I had to leave my school.
Everybody was happy including me because I was getting one separate room. We had our last exam when I and Sonu can copy answers. We had developed a great sense of understanding to how to copy when the teacher is around. We had our house warming ceremony one day before the last paper and so Sonu didn’t come.
I got busy in my new school and new home. It was a lovely place with farms all around. I and Father used to run in between the farms everyday and play hide and seek, while my Mother used to bargain for even the fresh and cheap vegetables just plucked from the farm. It was a small village well in between the city. My and my brothers got a big gang over there to roam and play about. I finished my tenth and took admission in a college for my plus two. I started preparing for my engineering exam parallel and so found myself somewhat busy at those times when I used to play around with my friends. I always remembered what my Grand Father always used to tell that time is the biggest investment and do that before it’s too late. I was blind with those thoughts and following it without much thinking. I gave my plus two and the engineering exam. I cleared my plus two and not the Engineering. But as it’s the usual trend of people whom I know to clear in second or third attempt, I took it as my trial attempt. My Father gave me the result and a marriage card. Sonu is getting married.
I was surprised as to she is so “small” to get married. Mother told her relatives in some village in other state feel that she should get married by now. I thought Wow, I will be attending her marriage and will meet chotu also. He must be big enough to run with me and play with me. I was thrilled. But then heard that marriage is there in her native place which is very very far from my state. We didn’t had the phone so I went to the booth to talk to her. She scolded me properly that I had forgotten her and that Chotu remembers me a lot. I started scolding her that I am busy with my studies and that instead of consoling for my not clearing my test, she is scolding me. I came back home and told my mother about the conversation. Mother told me that she is getting married and may be she settles in US with her Doctor husband and may not return back. I told it doesn’t matter for me because she didn’t speak to me properly. I went to my room tapping my feet in anger and started playing the video game I bought it from the road side vendor. I started remembering my childhood days and Sonu was there with me. I remember all my birthday celebrations since my childhood and Sonu was there. I remembered all my lunch time till my 5th standard and I remember me and Sonu sharing my lunch. I remember all my punishments my class teacher used to give and Sonu was there looking at me with a sad face. I saw the date and it was only one week for her stay in my city. And then I started counting years since I met Chotu. It was almost six years.
I went with my Mother to meet her, thinking that it will be my last meet with her. Subconscious plan was to play with Chotu. I planned at least Police Police and Hide and seek. I planned to run all through the house and enjoy like hell. I called from the booth next to my Auto stand that we are coming. I was able to hear the happiness in her voice. We went there taking some gifts. My Mother bought a Saree for Sonu and that was a joke to me for my childhood friend. We went inside and the servant asked us to wait at the front hall. The servant was new. Aunty came hurrying to meet us. She was very happy to see us and what I saw was wrinkles on her face. She looked quite old. She hugged me and kissed me on my cheek. She told me that her son(me) has become thin. I could see tears rolling down her cheeks and smile spilling from her lips. I aksed Aunty about Sonu. She pointed me on the first floor.I ran through the stairs to see her. She was sitting with a dozen of Aunties around her cladded in a yellow cotton saree and turmeric on her arms and face. I was surprised to see her so “big”.
Everybody was singing some traditional wedding song loudly. I called her with full of my energy ………Sonu!!!!!
She looked at me and instantaneously stood up. It was like an honour for me. She made her way thorough the ladies sitting around her towards me. Her Turmeric was still not over. We walked towards each other with the full wide smile. The walk took some ten seconds before we could hug each other tightly and the full fifteen years of friendship ran through those ten steps. We were still the closest friends and we smiled, we laughed, we wept, we complained, we apologized, we excused, we expressed our love, and we gave insurance for lifetime friendship: All that in one hug, just one hug, not a single word… We had lots of thing to talk. We were the biggest chatter boxes at childhood time. The things that had changed were the topics of talk. We used to talk about choclates, toys, Chotu, games, homeworks, pencil boxes, lunch boxes, new copying tricks: Now we were talking about marriage, children, job, parents, carrier, responsibilties, Chotu….”Hey where is Chotu ??“
Sonu took me to Chotu, in the corner room. I was excited to meet him. I told Sonu on the way that she can continue with her Turmeric and I will play with Chotu. We went inside the room. Chotu was sitting on the sofa with Aunty and my Mother. Chotu could not see anymore. My knowledge about mentally challenged was clearer with age. Chotu was completely different than me and Sonu. He was full busy in his own world gazing the ceiling. I was bit disappointed as my plans of games were destined to be inside only. Sonu called Chotu that “Bantu Bhaiya has come”. Chotu became full still once and started clapping his hands. He smiled and wanted to touch me. He still remembers me!!! I forgot everything and I ran towards him hugged him very tightly. He gave a tight reflection of love and warmth. I gave the same kiss on his forehead I had six years back. We played the games he wanted to like clapping, giggling , smiling, laughing. We had lunch together and this time he also fed me with his small hand. I loved the feed.
It was late evening and time for me and Mother to leave. I touched Aunty’s feet, she hugged me. Chotu was sleeping that time. I wanted to kiss his forehead but then thought not to disturb him. I bade bye to Sonu, hugged her with a smile. I could feel Sonu telling that wherever we are, we will do remember each other wishing the best for each other. I got the best gift any friend can ever give me.
Sonu got married at her native place and went to US. I cleared my Engineering and came to Bangalore and am here only since then. Whenever I used to go to my home town I made it a point to meet Chotu and play with him. He was one of the very very few people who looked forward with an urge to meet me. Since last two years, I have not been to my place so could not meet Chotu. I wish to go to my native place, go through the dirty narrow lanes which used to lead to my old rent house; I wish to run through those lanes in rain as I used to do with my friends while coming home after school in the rain. I wish to climb the guava trees near the milkman’s hut when I and my younger brother used to get milk every evening. I wish to talk to my Grandma late night as we used to do during every Dusshera holidays. I wish to plan new ideas to steal litchis from my Uncle’s kitchen which my Uncle purposely used to keep it at the lower shelf to get stolen by us. I wish to go with my GrandPa for buying Jalebiees which he used to buy for us everyday’s breakfast. I wish to play cards game with all my three brothers which we used to do everyday after lunch. I wish to swing on all the slides and merry go round that the Kindergarten court had. I wish to do lots of endless things in my life once I go to my hometown……
And I found myself tapping my feet on my companies’ center stage with complete Josh and Enthu with my new friends welcoming the new stage of my life with full grin!!!! My most favorite song “Yeh Lamha Filhaal Ji lene De”…..
Love, Mitsu
oh my god... Sumit... this one will not spare any one from making thr eyes wet... damn good...
Excellent Sumit...very touchy article..I loved the way you were able to write ur expressions so clearly. Another talent in you..baba re...multi-talented person..Very good..
A beautiful naration bantu and very touching indeed!!! :) These little incidents of the childhood days brings back so much happiness when we think about it now.
Awesome!! Continue blogging..
- Srividya
well well u always wanted to see my eyes filled with tears and sentiments .. too bad ure not in front of me :P like everything else u do this was also straight from the heart !
You made me pause and sigh... You made me close my eyes... And you made my eyes a little moist too! It's a touching story, Sumit. It's a story that is very true, for all of us who've grown up. How nice it would be, if we could roll back to our childhood. If we could live those precious moments again. But alas, time is cold and emotionless. Time passes, ceaselessly. And with time, people and places keep moving from reality to memory... It's a life, we can only live once.
An awesome post, my friend! Thank you very much!!
p.s:excellent narration
Amazing expression of emotions...very touching Sumit....its these instances in your life which has made you so sensitive, and these which makes us humane.. Rolling back to our childhood days brings us much happiness...
:)Thanks a lot everybody...:oD I am overwhelmed to the core..:oD
@Ganesha: Ganesha, it's all for you dude. You know the half of the story I wanted to give for your blog is still there with you. It's only that two days back I thought of scribbling some memories and never knew that it had to sink in your blog....You are one of my inspiration for blogging!! Thank You..:o)
@Suparna: Hey Sups, I just want to tell you I Love You yaar. You are my special gift for this year. Well perfectionist critic for my thoughts. Lekin meri zyada taarif nahin karne ka.....DJ knows better :o)
@Vidya: Thanks Vidya. I love your blogs too!!! Your expressions are perfect in blogs. Keep doing that...Have a wonderful life ahead!!!
@ DJ: Oye DJ, I never intended to make you senti. Just wanted to share one corner of my childhood. Believe me, it was a very normal story till now when you people made it so lovely...I enjoy my memories more now !!! Read that Shaadi (turmeric) waala paragraph once again. Aren't you seeing the reflection of your future in it??:o)...I am always proud of our telepathy :oD
@Suneel : Thanks a lot Suneel for your feedback. I am so happy that you were able to see your childhood in between those lines. Seriously yaar, I always wanted of going to my childhood back but the present is the only truth I realized....Thanks a lot...Keep giving your feedback!!:)
@Rishika : Thanks Pupam. I know we have lots and lots of things still to talk about. I am looking forward for that :o):o)
@Indu : Hi Indu, your feedback have always been of special meaning to me. Childhood is like a great fresher party to somebody's life and I consider myself somewhat lucky to enjoy it to the core. You know, till sometime back I used to take sensitivity as not so positive quality; may be I was driven by some people's words, but now you telling me sensitive makes me really happy for myself :o)Love You Indu!!!
Nice one...
Good naration and flow.
Thanks Bijju!!! I completely agree over your comments you gave me during the phone talk :o)Will try to improve .....
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